Saturday, 31 December 2011
Welcome 2012

Sunday, 25 December 2011
Fred’s Christmas
What do you do when you don’t have kids and it’s Christmas time? You lavish everything on your pet, and Fred is no exception.
He loves opening his presents, and then playing for hours with them.
And guess what! We love watching him!
Jo Anne
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Winterizing Crocus
Sally-Ann had asked if we could help place a new tarpaulin over Crocus, the boat that they have been renovating. The wind had dropped a little from the gales that we had been having, and so, today we were going to try and cover her. Our first attempt had failed due to the gusts, but today we were determined to get the job done.
Having established our plan of action it was all hands on deck (or under it so to speak) and pull the new tarp over her, before lashing the underside with new ropes to hold it all down.
Sally-Anne peered through a hole in the old tarp to point out something to Paul!
Finally, job done, we were all able to head into the warm for a cuppa and a biccy.
Sorry but there are no piccies of the new tarp on, as the photographer was helping out at this point LOL!
Sleep well Crocus.
Jo Anne
Saturday, 10 December 2011
All Wrapped Up For Christmas
We are back to Trelissick Gardens once more this week. The reason ? The beautiful old water tower, that we take a picture of whenever we are here, is open to the public, just this once.
We awoke to the most beautiful December day, and had a gentle drive over, before parking up and wandering down towards the gardens entrance.
As the tower came into view we had a lovely surprise.
It was all wrapped up in a pretty pink bow, especially for the occasion.
As the tower is so tiny inside, we were asked to wait until some people came out, and then made our way into the base.
We all got our pictures taken before going in.
The first room we saw was a lovely bathroom.
Then it was upstairs to the bedroom, and then up again to the living room. (The sofa had to be made inside the room, as nothing would fit up the staircase!)
The kitchen is on the top floor, but as it is single file up the stairs to reach it, the National Trust had decided not to allow anyone up there, as it would cause a bottle neck situation, and people might panic due to the tight nature of the staircases.
This is an amazing building, with really weird acoustics, that make it sound like you are wearing a microphone depending on where you stand in each room, due to the shape of the room and the immense depth of stone in the walls.
A really amazing building, but I don’t think I could stay in it, there wasn’t room for a wardrobe!
Jo Anne
Friday, 9 December 2011
Christmas Fun
This year we had arranged to go to Tyringham Arms for our works Christmas meal.
An old colleague of ours had taken over the running of the Arms last year, so it seemed like a good idea to keep it all in the family so to speak.
(Yes I know Paul looks miserable, it’s because he’d seen the camera come out of my bag for the umpteenth time in the last week!)
The meal was a carvery and dessert, and the entertainment a cabaret type singing type karaoke type comedian chap.
We all decided that despite not liking the singing comedian idea we would enjoy ourselves regardless…. We needn’t have worried! He was superb, and dragged us all in as an audience. Look at Alison lapping up the serenade!
We all got given some school yard type musical instruments, and told to join in at the time we thought appropriate. Well, that was it then, we never stopped all night, and even took the instruments up to dance with!

Most of the men in the room got given hats, wigs and some even got grass hula skirts, and guess what! They all wore them!
This cabaret chap must have been using magic or something, as we all enjoyed ourselves so much, it did not matter how silly we looked!
A superb evening was had by all, and we cannot recommend it highly enough.
In the words of the immortal Mrs Hart: Such Fun! (It only work in her voice though I think!)
Jo Anne
Saturday, 3 December 2011
It’s Beginning To Feel a Lot Like Christmas!
Scrooge finally gave in and allowed me to put up my decorations, including this cute little train I got at the Gardens National Trust shop today.
Jo Anne
Hot to Trot at Trelissick
Sally-Ann had spotted that the National Trust have a few things planned at Trelissick Gardens throughout the December period.
Today we took advantage of the horse and carriage rides that were on offer for a mere £3.00 per person. As we have our passes to get in for free, this meant a nice cheap day out and a great start to the Christmas celebrations.
We arrived at 11.00am, and headed straight to the coach house and stables to book our seats on the earliest possible ride. The first was to leave at 12.00 noon, but we managed to get booked onto the 12.10pm slot.
We had about 50 minutes to kill, so took advantage of our passes for the garden and headed off for a slow meander through the grounds, arriving back at the stables about 15 minutes early.
We had a mooch around the NT shop, and then went to claim our seats on the carriage.
The groomsman was all dressed up in elf hat, maintaining he was head of ‘elf and safety!
Although the ride was only about 10-15 minutes long, it was a lovely treat for the start of winter.
After our ride, we headed back to the cafe for lunch and a coffee.
It was only early afternoon when we left, and as we were only a short way from Carnon Downs Garden Centre, we headed there for a little wander around before heading back home.
What a treat of a day.
Thanks guys!
Jo Anne
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Carnon Downs Garden Centre
I want to get an early grip on Christmas this year, and have decided that I may find inspiration at the garden centre.
All of that Christmassy goodness can only be inspiring I think!
Great fun!
Jo Anne