Sunday, 28 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Is It Just Me???
Since Christmas I seem to have been permanently ill! What the heck is going on?
I've had two stays in hospital, 2 operations and now flu..... We are only 3 months into the year!
I must have been really bad in my last life!
Monday, 15 March 2010
My 2nd Disaster of the Weekend...
We stopped off in the local cutting for the newsagents and Paul shoved a load of cardboard into the window frame between the rubber and the glass to hold it in place, and hopefully get us to Cornwall before it gave up the ghost again.
The journey south went uneventfully, and just as we crossed into the Cornish boarders the seal started to come apart from the glass and a small draft crept in..... I kept quiet for fear of the wrath of the Husband! Not only had I damaged the Laptop on Saturday night, but now I had damaged the car as well, less than 12 hours later!
After arriving home and fixing the laptop, which you will already have read about, he set about pulling apart the car door to access the window gubbings (yep that's the technical term according to the brain of Jo!)
He then jammed the window into place with a piece of 2x4 wood to keep it secure until he could get to the dealer today (Monday) to buy the replacement bit
Sunday, 14 March 2010
I'm A Walking Disaster!
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Mom and Dylan
Paul was lucky enough to get quite a few cuddles from Dylan before it got to crowded, and every time I turned around there was this lovely little lad tottering over to Paul with his arms out to be lifted up.... then everyone turned up and he had his pick of people to fuss over him LOL
It was a great chance for me to catch up with my friend Lisa and her daughter Abi, who I haven't seen in the last 3 years since moving to Cornwall.
Abi eventually overcame her shyness of the camera and was then giving the orders of who to take a picture of and what the poses should be LOL
It was a lovely afternoon and we were very sad when it came to an end
We headed on 'home' to Mom's and by now were looking forward to the dinner she had planned for us - Lasagne, salad, garlic bread, Baileys cheesecake and double cream with Baileys..... are you starting to get the picture as far as Baileys is concerned LOL.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Weekend Fun Ahead
Friday, 5 March 2010
Birthday Meal
We all ordered the scampi, as it's very good there, and then followed it with some very yummy puddings - us girlie's had Baileys Cheesecake!
It was a lovely meal, and great company as usual. By 10.30pm we were home again, and I was back at the craft table trying to finish a card that was to be delivered today!
I managed to finish it finally this morning, before I went to work, and thankfully all of the ones I took in today were instant hits.
Now all I have to do is finish the rest of my orders!