When Ade asked if he could come to visit, I said of course, is there anywhere in particular you would like to go whilst you are here?
Well, he said, since I was a boy, I always wanted to go the Lands End, and I've never managed to get there. Sorted! That was today's mission.

We went via St Michael's Mount for the obligatory photo opportunity
Then on to Sennen, where we parked up and walked the coast road all around to Lands End - Ade's requested tour spot.
En-Route Paul spotted one of the ships that had famously been stranded on the rocks
It's a very treacherous coast line
Upon arrival, there were lots of important photo requirements - firstly the first and last house
followed by our picnic lunch - the boys couldn't wait as you can see!
Then the miniature collection
and finally another picture to prove he was actually there!
This afternoon, we had a visit to the King Edward Mine open day
They had set all of the old mining building to smoke, just as they had during their heyday - if you look really closely you can see the smoke from the chimneys
A mooch around the old ruins followed
and then it was inside to inspect the equipment - to be honest, it was all beyond Ade and myself, but Paul was in his element, and was fascinated by the workings of the tools and equipment
A very busy and tiring day, but fun all the same.
Roll on tomorrow!