For those of you with a nervous disposition look away now...
For the rest of you ghouls, who are like me, check out what happened to Paul this avo when a rogue tile decided not to come away from the wall without a fight.
You will be pleased to know that I waited until the cleaning process had been completed and the blood had stopped flowing quite so freely before I took the first photo's...
A lovely deep gouge on his left hand above his thumb...
As steri strips would not last 5 minutes on Paul because of his job, John the chap who saw to Paul decided to go with the real deal - sutures - John reckoned on about 5
In went the anaesthetic...
Then the stitches started to go in
Very impressively it actually took 7 stitches to pull the gash together
and here endeth the story of the kitchen so far....
One more scar to add the the collection methinks Mr L
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